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FOLKODIA - In a time of legends (2009)Muy en la linea de folkearth...1. The Oath 2. The First Battle of Moytirra 3. Viking Pride 4. Glory Stainless Victories 5. Sol Invictus 6. The Capitualtion of Vercingetorix 7. Ride to Tannenberg 8. The Immortals of Thule 9. The Second Battle of Moytirra 10. Dreaming in HyperboreaDOWNLOAD:
DAWN - Slaugthersun (crown of the triarchy part I) 2004SUECIAEste disco cuenta con todo el Slaugthersun (1998), el ultimotrabajo de esta excelente banda sueca de black metal,y ademas compila temas de sus anteriores lanzamientos.1. The Knell and the World 2. Falcula 3. To Achieve the Ancestral Powers 4. Ride the wings of Pestilence 5. The Aphelion Deserts 6. Stalker's Blessing 7. Malediction Murder 8. In The Depths Of My Soul9. Incantation Of Unholyness 10. Spawn Of Evil (Bonus track) 11. Thirst Of The Dead (Bonus track)DOWNLOAD:
DAWN - Slaugthersun (crown of the triarchy Part II) 2004PARTE II1. Eyesland 2. The Ethereal Forest 3. Diabolical Beauty 4. In The Depths Of My Soul 5. Ginom Rinande Lughier 6. As The Tears Fall 7. Svarter Skiner Sólen 8. Everflaming 9. Vya Kal 01:30 10. Sorrow Flew On Black Wings 11. Soil Of Dead Earth 12. Night Of The Living Dead (Infernäl Mäjesty cover)DOWNLOAD:
FINNTROLL - Ur jordens djup (2007)1. Gryning 2. Sång 3. Korpens Saga 4. Nedgång 5. Ur Djupet 6. Slagbröder 7. En Mäktig Här 8. Ormhäxan 9. Maktens Spira 10. Under Två Runor 11. Kvällning/TrollvisanDOWNLOAD:
ANCIENT WISDOM - For Snow covered the northland (1996)1. A Hymn To The Northern Empire 2. In The Land Of The Crimson Moon 3. They Gather Where Snow Falls Forever 4. Through Rivers Of The Eternal Blackness 5. The Journey Of The Ancients 6. As Snow Covers the Northland 7. No Tears At His Funeral 8. Forest Of Summoned Spirits 9. A Ravens Reflection Of The Ancient Northland 10. The Serpent's Sleep Is Not Eternal 11. At The Other Side 12. The Sleep WithinDOWNLOAD:
WINDIR - Arntor (1998)1. Byrjing (The Beginning) 2. Arntor, Ein Windir (Arntor, A Warrior) 3. Kong Hydnes Haug (The Burial Mound of King Hydnes) 4. Svartesmeden Og Lundamyrstrollet (The Blacksmith And The Troll Of Lundamyri) 5. Kampen (The Struggle) 6. Saknet (The Longing) 7. EndingDOWNLOAD:
AT THE GATES - Live in Kracov (2008)1 - Terminal spirit disease2 - Cold3 - The swarm4 - Blinded by fear5 - Nausea6 - Forever blind7 - Need8 - Kingdom gone9 - Blinded by fearDOWNLOAD:
AMON AMARTH - Twilight of the thunder god (2008)1. Twilight of the Thunder God 2. Free Will Sacrifice 3. Guardians of Asgaard 4. Where Is Your God? 5. Varyags of Miklagaard 6. Tattered Banners and Bloody Flags 7. No Fear For the Setting Sun 8. The Hero 9. Live For the Kill 10. Embrace of the Endless OceanDOWNLOAD:
BEHEMOTH - Evangelion (2009)1. Daimonos 2. Shemhamforash 3. Ov Fire And The Void 4. Transmigrating Beyond Realms Ov Amenti 5. He Who Breeds Pestilence 6. The Seed Ov I 7. Alas, Lord Is Upon Me 8. Defiling Morality Ov Black God 9. LuciferDOWNLOAD:
CELTIC FROST - Morbid Tales remastered (1984)1. Into the Crypts of Rays 2. Visions of Mortality 3. Procreation (Of the Wicked) 4. Return to the Eve 5. Danse Macabre 6. Nocturnal FearDOWNLOAD:
VINTERSORG - ODENMARKENS SON (1999)1. När Alver Sina Runor Sjungit 2. Svältvinter 3. Under Norrskenets Fallande Ljusspel 4. Månskensmän 5. Ödemarkens Son 6. Trollbunden 7. Offerbäcken 8. I Den Trolska Dalens Hjärta 9. På LandetDOWNLOAD:
VINTERSORG - Solens Roetter (2007)1. Döpt i en Jökelsjö 2. Perfektionisten 3. Spirar Och Gror 4. Kosmosaik 5. Idétemplet 6. Naturens Mystär 7. Att Bygga En Ruin 8. Strålar 9. Från Materia Till Ande 10. Vad Aftonvindens Andning ViskarDOWNLOAD:
VINTERSORG - Hedniskhjartad (1998)Primer material de Vintersorg...1. Norrland 2. Stilla 3. Norrskensdrömmar 4. Hednaorden 5. TussmörketDOWNLOAD:
VINTERSORG - Cosmic Genesis (2000)1. Astral And Arcane 2. Algol 3. A Dialogue With The Stars 4. Cosmic Genesis 5. Om Regnbågen Materialiserades 6. Ars Memorativa 7. Rainbow Demon (Uriah Heep Cover) 8. Naturens Galleri 9. The Enigmatic SpiritDOWNLOAD:
VINTERSORG - The focusing blur (2004)1. Prologue Dialogue-The Reason 2. The Essence 3. The Thesis's Seasons 4. Matrix Odyssey 5. Star Puzzled 6. A Sphere In A Sphere ? (To Infinity) 7. A Microscopical Macrocosm 8. Blindsight Complexity 9. Dark Matter Mystery (Blackbody Spectrum) 10. Curtains 11. Artifacts Of Chaos 12. Epilogue Metalogue-Sharpen Your Mind Tools
Disco debut de esta banda alemana de viking.1. Schiffe am Horizont 2. Strandshög 3. Gen Helwegs Grund 4. Das Nebelhorn 5. Walhall 6. Nagelfähre 7. Einst Freunde 8. Hel die StreitaxtDOWNLOAD:
VIKING METAL DE ALEMANIA1. Nordwärts 2. Midgard 03:34 3. Utgard 04:00 4. Asgard 03:45 5. WintersfestDOWNLOAD:
DARK FUNERAL - The secrets of the black arts (1996)Aca les dejo esta joyita, aun no entiendoporque no la puse antes............................1. The Dark Age Has Arrived 2. The Secrets of the Black Arts 3. My Dark Desires 4. The Dawn No More Rises 5. When Angels Forever Die 6. The Fire Eternal 7. Satan's Mayhem 8. Shadows Over Transylvania 9. Bloodfrozen 10. Satanic Blood (Von cover) 11. Dark Are the Paths to Eternity (A Summoning Nocturnal)DOWNLOAD:
Disco debut de esta banda de black metalproveniente de italia....1. Where My Spirit Forever Shall Be 2. A Descent Into the Kingdom of the Shades 3. Sir Lorial 4. Age of the Dragon 5. War (The Supreme Art) 6. Immortal Heroes 7. Of Steel and Ancient Might 8. OutroDOWNLOAD:
1349 - Revelation of the black flame (2009)1. Invocation 2. Serpentine Sibilance 3. Horns 4. Maggot Fetus...Teeth Like Thorns 5. Misanthropy 6. Uncreation 7. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun (Pink Floyd cover)8. Solitude 9. At the Gate...DOWNLOAD:

SUN OF THE BLIND - Skullreader (2009)
Disco debut de esta banda de metal/ambiental
1. Cursed Universe
2. Lord of Mind
3. Fire and Thirst
4. Ornaments
5. VanitasDOWNLOAD:
Tyr - By the ligth of the northern star (2009)Muy en la linea de su disco Erik the red, excelente trabajo.1. Hold the Heathen Hammer High 2. Tróndur í Gøtu 3. Into the Storm 4. Northern Gate 5. Turið Torkilsdóttir 6. By the Sword in My Hand 7. Ride 8. Hear the Heathen Call 9. By the Light of the Northern StarDOWNLOAD: